ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MEMBER OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Or at least learning more about the possibility of doing so? Becoming a Catholic, while a weighty decision, is easy in practice, although it will take time. It's easy to take your first step into joining the oldest Christian institution in the world. Take heart! Converts to Catholicism are among the strongest in their faith in all of Christianity. BAPTISM? CONFIRMATION? HOLY EUCHARIST? FOR YOU OR FOR YOUR CHILD? MARRIAGE? OR OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS: We want to help you look more deeply and prayerfully into these possibilities or to achieve these goals. But we need to hear from you quickly so that we can place you into the right kind of preparation program, and also meet with you to answer your questions and concerns. Every situation is a little bit different from others, and one size does not fit all in these important matters. However, this is the time of the year when we need to begin. If you began in the past but did not complete your program of preparation, we also want to help you complete your process. If you have considered it in the past but never followed through with exploring the process, now would be the time to do so, also. The first step needs to be yours, however. Either call into the parish office (304-363-7434) and give your information to a member of the parish staff, or fill out the form included in the bulletin each weekend, (and also available in the church vestibule anytime,) and return it to the parish office or place it into the collection basket at Mass. We will then be able to contact you to take the next step. (Father Robert) There are brochures available at the church entrances with an explanation of the RCIA process and a registration form. |