Website Information


  Welcome!  This website was created with the hope of providing its members with an online resource for information about their Parish. In the current age of digital information and with 3 of 4 homes having access to the internet it only stands to reason that we try to accommodate our members with using that avenue to access needed information about their faith and their church.  

   The website was created as a strictly voluntary effort with literary contributions to its content coming from varied sources. Portions of it are updated weekly while other areas are updated on an as-needed basis. We hope to continue to improve its content and of course, welcome suggestions. This site's hosting service and domain name have been funded by Saint Peter's.

   If you know of something you would like to see covered in this site please feel free to contact us. If you would like to help with the task of maintaining this site or maybe moderate a certain aspect of it please contact the webmaster, Perry Greza. There are certain areas we would welcome assistance in bringing about. Exact knowledge of HTML is not required as these tasks require the gathering and assembly of information more than anything else. 
   There are many ideas that I as webmaster thought could be utilized in this site and, again, would welcome help in making them a reality.  If one of these projects interests you please do get in touch with me. 
    Thanks, Perry Greza - WebMaster 

~ Projects Awaiting Assistance ~

CHURCH TOUR:   I had an idea about putting together an online tour of our church. We have so many beautiful architectural aspects that I thought it would be interesting if we could "walk" through the church utilizing sequential digitized images depicting various views of the church's interior and exterior. The images could be accompanied by details of an items history, meaning, makeup, etc.   I think this would be a great youth group activity, or maybe someone interested in delving into the historical and ethnic background of the features of our Parish. I'd love to see some close-up pictures of the church windows and discover their meaning! 

PREPARATIONS FOR MASS:  Ever wonder what goes into preparations for Mass? Unless you have been an altar server or participated in some other aspect of the Mass there are many things you might be curious about that go on behind the scenes. I myself have often wondered about such things as: The significance of the different robes a priest wears, who washes the dishes?, what kind of wine is that? These pages could provide an insight into that mysterious world. 

HISTORY OF ST PETER'S:  Although there is currently a web page on the history of our parish I think there is much more of a story there. There are probably many tales waiting to be unfolded about the people and the times that encompass this product of a young country, a people's religion and typical consequences of immigration. We have a treasure chest of memories and experience awaiting discovery in our elders. I see this project as an ongoing series of articles being presented through the eyes of those that have been part of this church and part of this faith. 

LET US REMEMBER: This was an idea about highlighting one of our past members that has since gone on to their great reward. Who were they? What were they like? What did they contribute to their church and to their family? What kind of legacy have they left behind as a result of their contributions and their children? How were they examples for us to admire and follow in these times? 

INTERVIEW THE PARISH:  Why couldn't we pick one parishioner each week or two and interview them? Let's find out a little bit about the people (our brothers and sisters in Christ) that share our faith and our parish? This could be anyone, any age. I feel that if I know a little about someone then I have taken the first step towards becoming their friend. It might be nice to know a little more about the people I plan on spending eternity with. Each article could include images.

RESOURCES FOR CHRISTIANS: What are other Christians doing with their free time? How are they glorifying Christ in their life? What can I do in my personal life to get closer to my Savior and live my life as he would? We may be surprised. It may be a silent prayer, an anonymous gesture, a day of work, a weekend of meditation.  

MY FAVORITE PRAYER: We should all be in a prayerful way. Is there a particular prayer that gives you comfort, strength, peace, assurance? I have special prayers for certain occasions and they comfort me and bring me closer to My Lord. What are yours? This page would show a new prayer each week, as well as listing all past prayers. They could be categorized for a particular need.

HISTORY OF OUR CEMETERIES: Holy Cross & Mt Carmel cemeteries; how did they come about? Who is buried there? Who takes care of these places? Where else are Catholics buried in this area?  

SENIOR CITIZENS: This would be a page dedicated to the needs of our senior citizens. Supplying information that would be beneficial to many facets of their lives. This could encompass activities, health, spiritual guidance, encouragement, discussion, prayer request, health advice, and reflections. Maintained for and by senior citizens?

THE OLD AND THE NEW:  What vestiges remain of the Mass of old? What has changed in the past 25 years to accommodate a modern people. What are the pros and cons of these changes? I feel it would be interesting to "rediscover" those portions of the Mass of my youth that were mysterious then and nostalgic now.

DIARY OF A CONFIRMATION CANDIDATE:  We would follow an individuals journey as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Do they feel closer to God? Are they aware of the significance of this step? Are there fears or concerns? Is there joy and assurances? Might be interesting......

REMEMBERING ST JOSEPH'S AND BEYOND:  Now part of the history of St Peter's, St Joseph's Church of Fairmont was an integral part of a portion of our parishioners lives. What was the history of this church and its people? Images, interviews and comments from former members of a sister church.  The same would be true for the former All Saints Mission, Barrackville; Our Lady of the Assumption Mission, Rivesville; and St. Anthony Church, Grant Town.

A BIT OF THE ARTS:  The artistic side of our members could be highlighted here: Poetry, images of arts and crafts, short stories, photography, etc.  

Last Revised: January 02, 2015